Sunday, February 8, 2009

Serious Rumers

The latest talk in the gas patch is that Exxon/Mobil wants more leases in the shale and will soon gobble up several smaller independents this spring...Have you people seen the new production rates from PetroHawk? lol They're now doing something like 15 frac stages and showing upwards of 22mmcf/d...These are monster wells with roughly 8700 psi...per acre our wells in the ArkLaTex stack-up against any in the world, no doubt.

Did ya'll know that Obama's chief of staff (Rob Emanuel) is the one that is pushing for more natural gas in our transportation system? It's cleaner than gas (obviously) and produced here...Anyone go to that Boone Pickens meeting in Shreveport last fall? He kept going on about our local production of NG and how we're going to transform our transportation network. Maybe between Boone and Emanuel we can finally get it done, huh.

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