Friday, February 13, 2009

We Might Be Exporting NG Soon

I read this on this morning. I almost blew my coffee all over the keyboard!

"The Ukraine-Russia gas tiff is a first taste of the transnational energy disputes to come. Simmons believes Moscow's saber rattling is political cover for a more serious problem: a shortage of gas in Gazprom's pipeline system. "This is really serious stuff. We've had a peak in Russian gas. Next year Europe is toast. Cold toast." Could he be right? Chief Executive Alexei Miller stated last July that Gazprom's output had flattened out below 2006 production levels. Russia is already importing gas from the central Asian "Stans" and exporting it to Europe."

If this is true, NG could be exported from the Haynesville Shale to Europe next FALL. The infrastructure is already in place down at the LNG Sabine Pass facility. The Majors will get to the bottom of this and we'll hear something more concrete soon.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting news about Russia and its European customers for nat gas. I am invested in Colorado gas leases, hence stay "up' with what's going on in this country regarding natural gas. But, I had no idea of the European situation. We in the U.S. have so much in these reserves that we could supply half the world with this stuff from here to eternity--especially if we ever develop the Gulf Coast reserves off the West Coast of Florida. I wonder...
